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Charities Aid Foundation's Giving Thought podcast explored the big issues, themes and news stories relating to philanthropy and the work of civil society. 

This podcast is no longer produced.


Feb 26, 2019

In episode 44, to celebrate International Women’s Day on the 8th March, we take a look at “Women and Philanthropy”. Exploring famous female philanthropists past and present, the role that charitable work has played in the emancipation of women, and the ways in which philanthropy has been used as a tool to fight...

Feb 12, 2019

Episode 43 is an Oscars special! We explore philanthropy at the movies: what films there are about philanthropy (if any), what insight they can offer, and some ideas for future films that could be made. Topics covered include:

  • Why aren’t there any genuinely great portrayals of philanthropy or the big questions it...